Project Desciption
The City of Rio Vista retained MC Engineering to conduct a review of the City’s water meters and related billing practices in an effort to identify existing deficiencies, potential efficiency improvements, and recommended future retrofit needs. Installing water meters on all City services is mandated by the State of California and the City is required to have them installed on all accounts by 2025. The City serves approximately 4,000 customers with potable water and delivers un-metered un-billed water to City parks and facilities. MC Engineering conducted a thorough and extensive assessment of the condition of existing assets and current practices were analysed and an action plan was developed to ensure City compliance with the State of California water system mandates. The system review included the use of ESRI Arc-GIS to geo-locate and map meters, commercial meter and residential meter typing and testing, and service lateral assessment. Solutions provided to the City of Rio Vista will result in the mitigation of water losses, repair and replacement of faulty meters, installation of new meter reading technology, and the upgrade of current billing systems.