In these challenging economic times, utilities are faced with an unprecedented need to do more with less as a result of budget constraints, smaller staffs, and ever increasing energy and operational costs. MC Engineering offers an exclusive service which combines the best of traditional consulting, performance contracting, and effective capital planning and procurement into an approach that is flexible and custom tailored to the utility’s needs. Savings and efficiency gains are realized by relying on an in-depth understanding of water utility operations in combination with a variety of bundled solutions and state of the art technologies.
Water Services
Water services include applying a unique approach to revenue enhancement and identification of cost saving opportunities Including:
- Reducing unaccounted for water by increasing meter accuracy and identifying real losses through leak detection
- Improving meter reading efficiencies and leveraging advanced meter analytical capabilities
- Impoving pumping system efficiencies
- Control system upgrades and building efficiency improvements
- Improving irrigation and demand side management efficiency using smart irrigation controls
- Providing cloud-based solutions to increase both utility and customer awarenes
- Understanding utility rates, incentives, and related programs to enhance savings
- Small Hydro and Renewable Energy Systems
These results are achieved by applying a rigorous engineering approach that monetizes the benefits and focuses on sustainable long-term business case and objective rather that the immediate capital and engineering costs. Solutions include a detailed analysis of benefits and risks.
Wastewater Services
More stringent regulatory requirements coupled with increasing energy costs have created a compelling case for leveraging new technology and operational data to reduce costs. Typical wastewater solutions include:
- High efficiency blowers, pumps, and motors
- Low energy mixing systems
- Digester gas-to-energy with enhanced co-digestion where possible
- Low cost energy management systems with both cloud based and on-site graphic interfaces to increase operator awareness
- Performance assurance and quantification and verification of energy conservation measures
- Renewable Energy systems including PV, fuel cells, and similar technologies
Upon request additional services can be provided to identify funding and provide program management functions.