Project Desciption
As part of the current Water Master Plan Study, Clearlake Oaks County Water District retained MC Engineering to assist in completing the Acoustic Leak Detection Survey that was started in June/2015. The original survey was performed by USA Associates and was conducted on the portion of the District that is located east and south of Highway 20 with a few areas east and north. Approximately 18.5 miles of pipe was surveyed and the survey was concentrated in the areas that were suspected to have the most leaks. In November of 2015, the District contacted MC Engineering with a concern of possible leaks in the western side of the District. MC Engineering deployed their leak detection team and performed a survey of the remaining portion of the system which includes the areas west and north of Highway 20. As a result of the acoustical survey conducted by MC Engineering, a significant number of leaks were found and repaired. Pipeline integrity was assessed and remaining life expectancy determined.