Project Desciption
The Town of Hillsborough retained MC Engineering to conduct an Acoustic Leak Detection Survey. This study was prepared in response to the recommendation for an acoustic survey and includes results of an initial study focused on approximately 100 miles of mains in the Town’s distribution system network.
The Town performed their own water audits using the AWWA water audit software. The water audit that was performed in 2012 estimated overall non‐revenue water in the Town’s distribution system at 7.7% which is considered relatively low, particularly for California. The water audit was again performed in 2014 and it showed the overall non‐revenue water in the Town’s distribution system to 10.5%.
The acoustic surveys were conducted over a 7 week period and focused on distribution system main line leaks. As a result of the detection surveys, leaks were found and repaired and the integrity of the water system accurately assessed.