Mr. Nelson has 5 years of experience as an assistant engineer and is a registered civil engineer in California. He is responsible for preparing planning and construction documents for water and wastewater related facilities. He has specialized expertise in a several design programs including Autocad Civil 3D, water modeling programs, and a variety of other Microsoft product software. His experience includes preparing plans and specifications for water supply, wastewater treatment, and related pumping and conveyance systems.
Mr. Nelson played a key role in the following projects to completion:
• Prepared detailed hydraulic models of plant-wide systems and off-site pumping systems for new pump stations
• The preliminary design and cost estimates for water storage and booster pump station facilities in Clearlake Oaks, California
• Lead draftsman and designer for CLOCWD wastewater facility improvements including a secondary clarifier, new RAS/WAS pump stations, scum pump station, supernatant return pump station, yard piping, and related infrastruture. Responsibilities also included modeling process hydraulics, preparing cost estimates, and coordinating sheet production across disciplines.
• Prepared site plans and related piping for 8 separate sewage lift stations with consideration relatively complex retrofits to existing equipment, utility conflicts, etc.
• Prepared water balances for land disposal of reclaimed water considering various hydrologic conditions. Surveying recycled water market and analyzing various tertiary treatment technologies for wastewater reuse
• Coordinating and compiling results from underground utility locating